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Shipping and Returns Policy

Shipping Policy

  1. Shipping Methods
  • We offer shipping methods such as Gogo Express or Same-day delivery but for around Manila only.
  • The available shipping methods may vary depending on your location and the specific product.
  • The estimated delivery times will be provided at the time of checkout and may vary depending on the shipping method chosen.
  1. Shipping Costs
  • The shipping costs will be calculated based on the weight, dimensions, destination, and shipping method selected.
  • The shipping costs will be displayed at the time of checkout before you complete your purchase.
  1. Order Processing
  • Orders are typically processed and shipped within 2 to 3 business days after payment confirmation.
  • Please note that orders placed on weekends or holidays may experience additional processing time.
  1. Order Tracking
  • Once your order has been shipped, you will receive a shipping confirmation email with a tracking number.
  • You can use the tracking number to track the progress of your shipment on our website or the shipping carrier’s website.

Return Policy

  1. Returns and Exchanges
  • We accept returns and exchanges for personal and household care products within 7 working days of the purchase date.
  • To be eligible for a return or exchange, the product must be unused, in its original packaging, and in the same condition as received. Kindly send us photos or videos as proof that the product/s was damaged or it’s defective upon received.
  1. Return Process
  • To initiate a return or exchange, please contact our customer service team with your order details and reason for return.
  • Our customer service team will provide you with further instructions on how to return the product.
  1. Return Shipping
  • The shipping costs for returning a product are the responsibility of the customer unless the return is due to a defect or error on our part.
  • We recommend using a trackable shipping method to ensure that the returned product reaches us safely.
  1. Refunds
  • Once we receive the returned product and verify its condition, we will process the refund to the original payment method used for the purchase.
  • Please note that the refund may take 7 to 15 days business days to reflect in your account, depending on your payment provider.
  • Kindly note that we deduct 2% from total payment paid, this includes processing fee and bank charges.
  1. Damaged or Defective Products
  • If you receive a damaged or defective product, please contact our customer service team immediately.
  • We will work with you to resolve the issue and arrange for a replacement or refund, depending on the circumstances.

Please note that certain products may have specific return requirements or may be non-returnable due to hygiene reasons. This information will be provided on the product page or in the product description.

If you have any further questions or need assistance with shipping or returns, please contact our customer service team.

Customer Service Team
+63 917 168 1721
+63 951 561 5417

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